The entire episode will be telecast on January 14 at 10 am on the channel. The Telugu TV stars from the serials that telecast on Zee Telugu have celebrated ‘Sankranthi Sambaralu’ on the banks of river Godavari near Rajahmundry. The festival of Sankranthi has brought all the television artistes under a roof where they celebrated the festival with great fervour. Zee Telugu Serial Actress Sankranthi Sambaralu 2017 Celebration Dance Performance Zee Tamil Natchathira Kondattam 14-1-2017 Pongal Special Full Show The peoples around Rajahmundry are very excited to receive their favorite tv serial actress and actors live stage dance performance, comedy speech, singing and game show events.
This year Zee telugu announced that Sankranthi Sambaralu celebration event happened in Rajahmundry on the banks of Godavari river through its official facebook page and youtube promo.